
Tips and Tools to Promote Children’s Vision

Prevent Blindness America Provides Tips and Tools to Promote Children’s Vision and Eye Health as New School Year Begins


PBA Declares August as Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month to Educate Parents, Teachers on Importance of Healthy Vision for Kids


CHICAGO (July 23, 2013)– As many children begin to head back to school after the summer break, Prevent Blindness America hopes to help educate parents and educators on the importance of children’s vision.


According to the recent “Cost of Vision Problems: The Economic Burden of Vision Loss and Eye Disorders in the United States” study from Prevent Blindness America, vision disorders in children ages 0-17 cost Americans more than $5.7 billion in direct and indirect costs. Fortunately, eye problems such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (crossed eyes) can be successfully treated if detected early.


Prevent Blindness America has declared August as Children’s Eye Health and Safety month to inspire parents to make their child’s vision health a priority. The non-profit group provides free information on its website at


Topics include:


    • Signs of possible eye problems in children


    • Taking your child to an eye doctor


    • Your child’s glasses


    • Protecting your child’s eyes from the sun


    • Keeping your child safe from eye injuries


    • Home eye tests for children



For educators, PBA offers the Star Pupils Eye Health and Safety Curriculum for grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. The program, which is available free for download upon request, provides teachers with interactive materials that help students learn the importance of sight, components of the eye and how we see, and how to identify objects and situations that can be dangerous to eyes.  The program meets National Health, National Science and National Physical Education standards and includes presentation guides, eye exam diagrams, in-class worksheets and an activity book for children to take home.


“The beginning of a new school year is an exciting time in a child’s life,” said Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness America.  “By working together with parents and educators, we hope to give all our kids a bright and healthy start!”


For more information on children’s eye health and safety, or the Star Pupils Eye Health and Safety Curriculum, please call Prevent Blindness America at (800) 331-2020 or visit


Download a copy of the children’s vision press release.